Wiener Linien

Wien 03


Vienna is the capital of Austria and with over 1.7 million citizens the densest city in this country. Wiener Linien is responsible for the mobility of its inhabitants. With 2.5 million passengers in the public transport every day, Wiener Linien takes the challenge: a dense infrastructure with more than 1.000 stations is provided. Thereby safety, reliability and the protection of the environment is an important issue, which can be achieved by using Thoreb's Eco-driving and Fuel Management System (EFMS).


Project with Wiener Linien in Austria's capital

The project with Wiener Linien started in 2013 and covers more than 280 buses. The systems comprise both hardware and software in the buses as well as web applications for extracting reports and displaying real-time values from vehicles.

Thoreb has equipped all Wiener Linien buses with one of our vehicle computers and our LED Alert, which is part of Thoreb's Eco-driving and Fuel Management System (EFMS). The system registers driving and braking behaviour, turnings, fuel consumption at every moment, etc. With light-emitting diodes the system indicates to the driver the quality of his driving behaviour. Also traffic management reports for the vehicles can be created. In short, EFMS encourages drivers to bring down their fuel consumption, which reduce the environmental impact, as well as saves money. Moreover, Thoreb's Automatic Passenger Counting units will be installed in 240 of the buses.


Thoreb provides a reliable system which leads to cost saving and a more comfortable traffic.