Compania de Transport Public Cluj Napoca SA (CTP Cluj Napoca) is serving the inhabitants in the second largest city of Romania, Cluj-Napoca. During 2015 Cluj-Napoca has been awarded the title “European Youth Capital”, through its appealing academic institutions, culture life, and growing industries and business centres. One aspect of the award is to facilitate the everyday life for young people, in the long run. Accordingly, CTP Cluj Napoca has decided to invest in a modern information system for their 50 new buses produced by Solaris and IVECO.
Investment for the Future
The buses have a passenger infotainment system via 20” TFT displays, where the traffic operators, at any time, can publish messages of importance. Besides, all buses are equipped with video surveillance, to increase the safety for both passengers and drivers. Thoreb’s passenger counting system ensures improved basis for future planning and reliable travelling statistics. Thereby CTP Cluj Napoca gets clear and trustworthy reports, as often as needed, based on different search criteria.
With Thoreb’s system installed in the buses, the public transport in Cluj-Napoca has become even more appealing for its citizens.