
Sistemul de raportare Follow-up Este o aplicatie bazata pe Un browser web, utilizata pentru a selecta si studia rapoarte cu informatii despre vehicule. O gama variata de rapoarte predefinite este disponibila, de exemplu inregistrari cu respectarea programului de circulatie, numarul pasagerilor transportati, timpii de stationare, consumul de combustibil, depasirea vitezei, distanta parcursa, erori din vehicule, etc.

You can access the Follow-up Report­ing System through Thoreb's Logon portal with authentication credentials. Reports can be designed to your own needs with different search combinations, such as time, date, line, depot or vehicle groups and in any language. The data can be exported to other applications in the CSV format (with different separators available), for instance to combine with information from other sources. The complete reports can also be exported to other applications, e.g. as PDF files.


Useful information to support planning for the future 

  • Browser based
  • Reports based on logged information from vehicles
  • Customer reports can be designed in any language
  • A wide range of report templates available
  • The reports can be exported to other applications
  • Data can be exported in the CSV format (with different separators available)


Our Thoreb Follow-up Reporting System guarantees you access to reliable information from the vehicles, which gives a broad overview and total control of traffic operations.