Supraveghere video
Un numar din ce in ce mai mare de oameni, au descoperit ca supravegherea video in vehicule, este o metoda buna de imbunatatire a securitatii in transportul public, pentru soferi si calatori. Sistemul nostru de supraveghere video (VSS) este creat special pentru transportul public si poate fi integrat cu computerul de bord avand ca rezultat numeroase beneficii (localizare GPS a imaginilor, transmitere de alarme din sistemul de supraveghere video, etc).
Real-time information is saved together with the recorded pictures. In this way, information such as exact GPS time, route number, and position where the picture is being recorded is presented when pictures are evaluated. Camera images can be displayed for the driver, based on events, such as active reverse gear and open doors. Optionally, the images can be streamed to a central system, where it is possible to view real-time images from the cameras, as well as previously made recordings.
There are several applications available for viewing recorded video, both web based and for installation on workstations. A recording can be studied either by connecting the actual video recorder HDD or by streaming the complete video recording, or just an interesting part of it. A video recording of specific interest is easy to share, e.g. with the police.
Plenty of driver benefits
- High-resolution images in real-time
- Front and rear camera views
- Increased security
- Valuable overview of the situation on-board
- Get the rear-view camera image when shifting into reverse gear
Since the video surveillance system can be integrated with Thoreb's onboard AVL system, the same driver display can be used for route information to the driver as well as camera images.