
Sistemul EFMS (Eco Driving and Fuel Management System) ajuta soferul sa minimizeze consumul de combustibil si sa sporească confortul pasagerilor. Cu ajutorul sistemului EFMS este posibil sa ajutam la îmbunătățirea modului de conducere al soferului si sa reducem costurile cu combustibilul. EFMS înregistrează cand soferul utilizeaza pedala de acceleratie prea brusc si cand limitele confortabile ale accelerarii/ deccelerarii sunt depasite.

In afara acceleratiilor inregistrate si amintite anterior, sunt luate in considerare si acceleratiile laterale.

When driving through a bend, the driver will instantly get a warning if the throttle was pressed too long before the curve. The warning is made by lit indicators, from green to red, depending on severity. If the driver strives to always have the green indicator lit, both the fuel consumption level and passenger comfort will be optimised. The driving behaviour is logged at all times by the Thoreb EFMS. Using 3G/4G, all this data can be sent in real-time to our servers and be presented on our web application for remote vehicle diagnostics. Also the data will be stored in a central data warehouse, where detailed and summary reports can be extracted.


Numerous advantages

  • Instant driving behaviour feedback
  • Reduced fuel consumption
  • Less brake wear
  • Increased passenger comfort
  • Reports of driving behaviour


With the Thoreb Eco Driving and Fuel Management System you will not only be able to reduce your fuel costs and maximise the passenger comfort, you will also improve efficiency and reduce the impact on the environment.